Goals vs. Intentions

By Lorin Beller Blake

Setting goals are so important. In my coaching program at Big Fish Nation we also know that setting a goal without an intention is like putting on a left shoe and leaving the right shoe behind. Intentions and Goals always go together.

Let’s make it simple, one goal that you could have, is ‘I am going to start my own radio show this year’ (I am making this up). The intention might be ‘to implement a wild and fun marketing plan.’ One is very measurable and the other is the fabric in which the goal will happen… the tone, the underlying approach.

I believe that when we set goals without intentions we lose the essence of what it is all about in the first place. What good is the goal if we are not enjoying the process??!! What good is the goal if we forget why we are doing it in the first place? We have become a society that is focused on productivity, productivity is how we measure how well we are doing, it is how we get paid… etc. So as Americans, it tends to be all we look at… the result is we lose our big picture when we do this.

So what if you were able to keep your ‘big picture’ for the year, what would your intention be? For example some entrepreneurs I know have had the intention of creating a year full of ‘flavor’ or ‘bold and simple joy’ or ‘uninhibited’ – you see each one of those words gives the year a definite tone or direction… someone can check in with you and ask you if you are making decisions that are uninhibited or flavorful. Those words will also help guide your decisions.

Intentions are actually more powerful than goals…. Intentions are the engine behind the goals. Be bold, know your intentions and share it with another!

Lorin Beller Blake is the founder of Big Fish Nation, a year-long business development program that leads women entrepreneurs toward maximizing their lives and business goals using a unique combination of teleclasses and one-on-one coaching. As a Big Fish herself, Lorin understands the importance of a balanced well-being in order to have a big impact in the world. Lorin is the author of From Entrepreneur to Big Fish: 7 Principles to Wild Success and a contributor to ROADMAP to Success," along with several other authors including Stephen Covey. BlueSuitMom readers will receive a discount off the program cost, just mention "bluesuitmom" when contacting Lorin. Learn more at www.BigFishNation.com Follow Lorin on Twitter at @lorinb