e-Networking to expand your career horizons

Career searching has become easier with the birth of the Internet and sites such as CareerBuilder.com and Monster.com. But as most career-committed individuals know, there's more to finding a new career than scouring the available job postings.

Good old fashion networking is still an important to any successful job search whether online or off. But how do you network without the benefit of a handshake or smile? It's called e-networking and it's based on the same foundations that personal networking is built--reaching out to an acquaintance or a friend of a friend for help.

Today we have the ability to communicate via the Internet to hundreds of people within industry chat rooms, public message boards and e-mail. It's possible to find and contact just about anyone with the help of Yellow Page features on any of the search engines. The ability to network on the web has increased your reach and expanded the opportunities.

Begin your e-networking by talking with other BlueSuitMoms on our message boards or log on to one of the many trade or association sites.

Here are a few trade associates:
Associations on the Net
Trade Show News Network

Once you find your networking associate, remember to keep your e-mails professional and upbeat. And as in off line networking, never put the person on the other end on the spot.