I've been busted!

By Maria Bailey

Busted! I've been busted tonight, so I might as well admit to everyone out there my weakness as a working mother. Here it is...I'm terrible at getting my children to eat balanced meals. And what makes it worse, is that I was busted in the act of feeding my kids a quick and easy meal after a long day at the office.

I was busted by none other than Jorj Morgan, BlueSuitMom's meal planning expert and future cookbook author. Why couldn't it have just been one of my fellow, harried working mothers who walk into the house at 7 p.m. with no idea of what's for supper. No, it had to be the Queen of Sneaky Veggies, the master of themed lunchboxes, the pro of planning meals a week in advance. She called tonight as I was serving dinner. Coincidentally, she asked me what I was serving as I watched my six year old son garnish each of his sibling's plate with five Cracker Jack popcorn kernels and two caramel covered peanuts.

Dinner is just one of those things I've never been able to master with my twelve-hour workdays. I'm known among my friends for cooking all my meals for the week on Sunday. The only problem is, I can't seem to get my children to eat them. Sure there was a beautiful pork roast and roasted red potatoes in the oven tonight, but my children would never eat that! No instead it was grilled cheese and frozen pizza with sliced bananas. And oh, let's not forget the five pieces of popcorn and two peanuts! Jorj quickly pointed out that the nutritional analysis would at least produce a moderate amount of protein, calcium and lots of carbohydrates.

Dinner has not been my strong point. I've contemplated a new approach to dinner. I figure I could fight with four hungry children. I could send empty stomachs to bed without dinner. I could even force them to eat a can of green beans once a week. But who has the energy to fight with their children after fighting for line items in your budget or negotiating with under performing employees all day? Not I. If I only have two hours with my children in the evening, I've made the decision not to spend it fighting with them over eating roasted potatoes rather than frozen Tater Tots. I figure, a potato is a potato and the less arguing attached to it the better. I'll take a few extra preservatives in exchange for a peaceful dinner table.

People tell us, as working mothers, that we eventually give up something. Well I guess I've given up on arguing with my children to eat food that is good for them. Hopefully, one day they will wake up as I did when I was 16 and like green beans.

Share your working mom weakness on our message board or email Maria your thoughts.

Also see:
• Week Eight -- Classroom politics
• Week Seven -- When a mom's life ends too soon
• Week Six -- Parenting mistakes
• Week Five -- What are we really saying?
• Week Four -- The courage to take risks
• Week Three -- The business trip
• Week Two -- Reflections of motherhood
• Week One -- A trip to the grocery store

Maria Bailey is the CEO and founder of BlueSuitMom.com and a mother of four children under the age of seven.