Tips for dealing with yakkers

We've all been there … trapped in a conversation with a friend, acquaintance or family member who just won't let you end the conversation. Whether you are on the phone or at a gathering you just can't get them to stop speaking.

So how do you manage gabbers? Here are a few tips:

• Start the Stopwatch
Let your buddy know you only have ten minutes to talks. She'll understand from the beginning that she doesn't have a captive audience and only a limited amount of time with you.

• Refocus
Also known as changing the subject. This works best if you change it to something the other person has little to comment on. It can be done in a non-rude way and allows you to get a word or two into the conversation.

• Disregard Emily Post
Sometimes you just have to politely interrupt. It's not what your mother taught you but some people just won't stop talking. Overlapping their train of thought occasionally will help you become more of a part of the conversation.

• Use Body Language
Begin to fidget or loose eye contact to let them know they no longer have your attention. Something short of running from the conversation should do it.

• Send out a Distress Signal
This works best at a party or group setting. Pull in the help another but bringing them into the conversation or establishing a signal to your spouse that you are stranded in a discussion with a yakker. When all else fails the old, "I have to use the restroom" excuse is likely to work.