Ask the Personal Trainer

Joni Hyde is a Certified Personal Trainer and owner of

Q. I noticed that the backs of my legs are a little flabby and it seems to be getting worse with age! I run a couple times a week and eat pretty well. What can I do to reverse it? -- Sandy

A. Sandy, all the running in the world won't give you the results you are looking for. Though you should be commended for eating well and for performing regular aerobic activity, your aerobic only exercise program will leave you with what I call "skinny fat syndrome" and will not reverse the flabby look that you described.

Strength training is the element that will reduce the unsightly appearance of flab by increasing muscle tone and decreasing your total amount of body fat. But the way you strength train is even more important. A program that targets fat loss in the lower body, specifically hips, thighs, abdomen and buttocks is ideal for most women.

I recommend that you start a strength training program. Perform 15 or 20 repetitions of various lower body exercises. I also encourage that when training for shape, not size, that the exercises are performed with no rest between sets, only for a drink of water. This type of training would be referred to as circuit training.

The very nature of circuit training fatigues the muscle groups helping to promote a reduction in actual size of the area, while decreasing the percentage of body fat. This type of training will create more fat-burning muscle and will givie you a longer, leaner and shapely body in exchange for the flab.

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