Ask the Image Expert

Sherry Maysonave is the founder and president of Empowerment Enterprises, one of America's leading communication-image firms. Sherry conducts corporate seminars and coaches executives, professionals, and politicians in achieving excellence in communication and image. She is also the author of Casual Power: How to Power Up your Nonverbal Communication and Dress Down for Success

Semi-formal attire

Question: I will be attending a semi formal awards dinner out of state. I will be receiving one of the awards. I am trying to decide what to wear. I am leaning towards a black suit (skirt)cotton/polyester blend, but can not decide if it is dressy enough. This is an annual awards dinner, at the Coast to Coast National Conference and Exhibition. Coast to Coast is an RV/camping resort company with several hundred affiliations throughout the USA. Thank you for any input you can give.

Answer: Dear Laquetta,

Congratulations on the award that you will be receiving!

Semi-formal usually means a step up from the suit that you describe. A black suit is good idea, but not one made of a cotton blend, as cotton is an informal fabric. The fabric should be of a dressier nature (such as a wool or silk blend) to qualify for semi- formal.

If you need to make the black cotton suit work for this occasion, pair it with a satin or silk blouse, or a lace top. Dressy jewelry will help to bring it into the semi-formal range, as will dressy shoes.

The organization sounds as if it could have a casual bent so your suit mixed with a dressy top or blouse and accessories could be appropriate. If you have contact information for some of the other attendees, it is appropriate to inquire what they are wearing. It is also appropriate to ask someone in charge of the event just what level of semi-formal attire the host has in mind for the awards dinner.

On the evening of the awards dinner, be sure to have your hair looking great and to wear makeup. Since you are traveling, keep in mind the products and hair aids that you will need to pack, etc.

You will be in the spotlight when you accept your award, be sure to wear a smile!

Best of luck to you,
Sherry Maysonave

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