Baby Development Calendar -- Month Ten

About this time, your little one -- who not so long ago was content to lie on the floor and watch the world go by -- is crawling everywhere, standing by herself, and possibly trying to take her first solo steps. There's no stopping her now! Grab the camcorder before she's out of sight!

Milestones this month | Fancy footwork | Thanks for the memory

Milestones this month*
  • She can walk while holding onto furniture.

  • Baby can stand alone, possibly for a few minutes.

  • She drinks from a cup.

  • Baby plays pat-a-cake or waves good-bye.

  • She understands the meaning of "no."

  • Baby says "mama" or "dada."

  • She expresses herself with gestures and sounds instead of cries.

  • Baby can roll a ball to you.

  • She uses gibberish in a conversational way.
*All babies have their own internal developmental timetable. If your 10-month-old hasn't yet reached these milestones, rest assured that she will in time. If you have concerns about your baby's development, discuss them with her doctor.

Fancy footwork

  • Shoeless is cool. You may wonder what's the appropriate footwear for your newly mobile baby. Most doctors recommend nothing. Your baby's feet develop best when they're bare; this helps build arches and strengthen ankles. But if you're looking for protection while you're outdoors, choose low-cut baby shoes with flexible soles, flexible uppers, flat nonskid bottoms, and a roomy fit.

  • Stepping up. Your active 10-month-old probably also has discovered stairs -- and how to climb them. Most likely, baby knows how to go up but not how to come down. Encourage her to crawl up the stairs, but make sure you're planted close behind her. Do the same as she maneuvers her way back down; help baby put her knees and feet in the proper positions for the trip back down. Never leave your child unattended on or near stairs; those tumbles back down can result in serious injury.

  • Exercise cautiously. As your baby grows stronger and more active, it may be tempting to introduce her to some of the exercise opportunities outside your home. Before you engage in any "baby workouts," though, there are some things to consider:

  • Infant swimming: Use these classes to help your child become comfortable in the water; your baby isn't quite ready to learn the breaststroke!

  • Baby exercise classes or videotapes: Look for fun activities that provide socialization, not competition. Avoid those that promote passive motion (where you move your baby's limbs), stretching, or any techniques that are aimed at improving strength, conditioning, or coordination. These exercises could cause serious injuries to an infant's still-developing bones and joints.

  • Jogging: Although running with your baby in a backpack may sound like a great bonding opportunity, keep in mind that the bouncing, jarring motions could injure her head or back. Also, you'll put her at risk if you fall or run into someone.

Thanks for the memory

Baby also may remember events. A song played on a carousel may trigger memories in your child when she hears it played later on a cassette tape. Though she may not be able to tell you in words that she recalls the song, her excited smiles and facial expressions will say it all.

"Out of sight, out of mind" no longer applies. If your child has ever enjoyed unrolling the toilet tissue that sits on the other side of the cabinet door, she'll remember the pleasure every time she passes the door.

Baby's First Year
The content on these pages is provided as general information only and should not be substituted for the advice of your physician.

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