Family Fun in the Kitchen

The Kitchen can be a fun place of learning for your child and provide hours of quality time for the two of you together. It's also the area of the house where you and your family probably spend the most time. So when you are looking for a time to squeeze in a fun activity with your child, it's the logical place to begin.

For young children, try creating games with food products. A game of sorting vegetables or fruits can help them practice counting as well as develop reading and math skills. A box of ziti or colored Fruit Loops are fun to string on waxed dental floss. This activity is a great for keeping a child's attention while you stir up a quick meal.

Preschoolers enjoy helping in the kitchen. Their motor skills are more developed and many are able to stir cake mixes, crack eggs and dip dry ingredients with little additional mess. When it's their attention you need to occupy in the kitchen, try giving them paper plates to draw on or noodles to glue to them. You'll be amazed at their imagination and they will enjoy the unusual medium.

The days of meat and potatoes are gone, so why not have breakfast for dinner? Give yourself a break one night a month and allow your older children to whip up some scrambled eggs and toast for the family. It allows them to develop an appreciation for your meal planning while demonstrating your confidence in their skill levels.

Also see: More family fun in the kitchen