Ask the Personal Trainer

Joni Hyde is a Certified Personal Trainer and owner of

Firming up the lower stomach

Q. What exercise will best target firming up the area from the belly button to the pelvic bone? This is where I am still carrying my baby weight?

A. If you’re like most women, your “pooch belly,” as we so affectionately call it, is one part of your body that is major struggle and it’s usually the last thing to go. As cruel as the truth may be, the fact remains that as women, we are designed to store fat in the abdomen. It’s not easy to achieve a perfectly flat abdomen, and in some cases, it’s impossible. But you can greatly improve your abdominal area and can end up with a sexy midsection that suits your body type just fine.

Reverse Crunches are the best exercise for targeting this trouble spot.

REVERSE CRUNCH (LOWER ABDOMINALS) Lie on mat with hands under buttocks which tilts pelvis slightly up and supports lower back. Lift legs up and bend knees almost to 90 degree angle. Exhale as you lift pelvis and buttocks, then lower down, keeping knees bent. Complete this exercise to fatigue.

Keep in mind that no amount of abdominal exercises will reveal well toned muscles if you’re padding them with an extra layer of fat. If you’re still hanging on to a some extra pounds, this is the area where a few of them can most certainly be found.

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