Ask the Cook

Jorj Morgan is the Director of Lifestyle Content for Her expertise in the culinary field incorporates 25 years of entertaining as well as owning a successful catering company. She is in the process of publishing her first cookbook, "At Home In The Kitchen" due in Spring 2001.

Lunch box Ideas

Q: My six-year-old son is complaining that his lunch is boring and the other children have fun stuff in their lunchboxes. Got any tips on creating some excitement for him?

A: When my oldest son was in kindergarten he would not eat anything but a tossed salad for lunch. What a lunch box challenge that was. I came to find out that his interest was not held by the crisp veggies that I painstaking prepared each morning, but by the amusement of his classmates when he opened his Tupperware tube of salad dressing. The tube was COOL!! Here is a lesson to be learned. The eye appeal of the dish is as important as the nutrition. If it looks good - it tastes better!! Here are a few suggestions:

Circle Sandwiches
Make your child's favorite sandwich and cut it into interesting shapes. Create circles on Monday, triangles on Tuesday and maybe diamond shapes on Wednesday. What a fun learning experience especially when after awhile you "forget" and make a triangle sandwich on Friday?!

Wrap It Up
Roll your child's favorite combination of cheeses, turkey or veggies in a tortilla shell. A peanut butter and jelly wrap is a blast.

Unpack A Surprise
Place a fresh flower, a brightly colored bandana for a placemat, a special sticker, or just an "I Love You" post-it-note in his lunchbox. Your child will have a special reason to unpack his lunch everyday!

More feasting challenges:
Fast meals to impress your in-laws
Quick appetizers
Making lumpless gravy
Grilling summer vegetables