Exercise of the Week

Reverse Crunch

By Joni Hyde of WorkoutsForWomen.com

This exercise is great at working the lower part of the abdomen because you begin the contraction from the bottom of the muscle. The lower abdomen can be a big trouble spot for women … especially if you have had babies.

  • Lie on a mat with your hands under your buttocks. This will tilt the pelvis slightly up and support your lower back.
  • Lift your legs up and bend your knees almost to 90 degree angle.
Exhale as you lift pelvis and buttocks, then lower back down, keeping knees bent. Repeat this to fatigue.

Past Exercises of the Week:
Dumbell row
Leg Extension
Lateral Raise
Push Ups
Prone Leg Raise
Chest Fly
Seated Bent Over Rear Fly
Tricep Dip
Walking Lunges
Concentration Curl

For a complete home exercise program visit WorkoutsForWomen.com. With online audio/video instructions and email consultations, members enjoy the benefits of having a personal trainer at their fingertips and on their own schedule.