Ask the Cook

Jorj Morgan is the Director of Lifestyle Content for Her expertise in the culinary field incorporates 25 years of entertaining as well as owning a successful catering company. She is the author of 5 books including Gorgeous: The Sum of all Your Glorious Parts, Fresh Traditions and At Home in the Kitchen. Most importantly Jorj is a mom and new grand mom. Learn more on her website

Garlic Oil

Katrina writes, "Two years ago we rec'd a set of oils since then they have been "unopened" I want to saute some chicken in the "garlic oil' will it still be fresh?"

Answer: All oils will turn rancid in time. Some are more delicate than others. Truffle oil for example, is very delicate and has a maximum shelf life of only a few months.

The best way to tell if your oil has turned is to smell it. If it smells bad - throw it away and start again!

You can make your own garlic oil by infusing roasted garlic cloves into olive oil. Cook whole peeled cloves of garlic in olive oil until they begin to brown. Cool this mixture and add a few red pepper flakes and you're back in business!!

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