Ask the Cook

Jorj Morgan is the Director of Lifestyle Content for Her expertise in the culinary field incorporates 25 years of entertaining as well as owning a successful catering company. She is in the process of publishing her first cookbook, "At Home In The Kitchen" due in Spring 2001.

Replacing Regular Milk with Soy Milk

Rachel writes, "Will substituting soy milk for milk in homemade scalloped potatoes have any affect on the outcome of the dish?"

Answer: Soy milk, while beneficial in adding lean protein to our diets, has a very distinctive taste and will impact your recipe. If you absolutely love the taste of soy milk, feel free to experiment by substituting in your favorite recipes. I would start with a combination of half soy with half regular milk. However, if you are like me and constantly trying to disguise the taste of soy milk - I don't think I would add it to my favorite scalloped potato dish. Try a soy milk shake on the side instead!

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Jorj Morgan is the Director of Lifestyle Content for